Update Nodes
Update multiple nodes size and color.
update_nodes_color(g, data, id, val, var = "color")
update_nodes_size(g, data, id, val, var = "size")
Argument | Description |
g | An object of class graph as returned by graph or a graph_proxy as returned by a function of the same name. |
data | A data.frame containing id , val , and var of nodes to update. |
id | Bare column name containing node ids to udapte. |
val | Bare column name containing new values to set. |
var | The name of the variable to update. |
g <- make_data(200)
colors <- c("red", "green", "blue", "yellow")
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("update", "Update random nodes"),
graphOutput("g", height = "80vh")
server <- function(input, output) {
output$g <- render_graph({
graph(g) %>%
define_node_size(size) %>%
graph_stable_layout(ms = 2500)
observeEvent(input$update, {
nodes_sample <- g$nodes %>%
dplyr::sample_n(100) %>%
color = sample(colors, 100, replace = TRUE),
size = runif(100, 20, 100)
graph_proxy("g") %>%
update_nodes_color(nodes_sample, id, color) %>%
update_nodes_size(nodes_sample, id, size)
if(interactive()) shinyApp(ui, server)