grapher is not yet on CRAN, it will have go through a thorough testing phase before being submitted, its functions and installation are continuously tested on Linux, Mac and Windows. The code is hosted on Github and can be installed using either devtools
or remotes
Some functions rely on Jeroen Ooms' V8 package which requires Google's V8 JavaScript engine installed, the installation instructions are available in the README of V8 and below. If you do not want to install V8 skip this step but that is not recommended.
sudo apt-get install -y libv8-dev
sudo yum install v8-devel
sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install v8-devel
brew install v8
Then run the following to install the package.
install.packages("remotes", repos = "")
remotes::install_github('JohnCoene/grapher', dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports"))
install.packages("devtools", repos = "")
devtools::install_github('JohnCoene/grapher', dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports"))
Note that throughout the documentation we do not explicitly load the package and assume you have it loaded in your environment.
If loading package as above worked fine you are good to go!