Graph Layout Offline
Compute the force layout (same as graph_layout_live
but before rendering in the browser.
steps = 500,
spring_length = 30L,
sping_coeff = 8e-04,
gravity = -1.2,
theta = 0.8,
drag_coeff = 0.02,
time_step = 20L,
is_3d = TRUE,
verlet_integration = FALSE,
quiet = !interactive()
steps = 500,
spring_length = 30L,
sping_coeff = 8e-04,
gravity = -1.2,
theta = 0.8,
drag_coeff = 0.02,
time_step = 20L,
is_3d = TRUE,
verlet_integration = FALSE,
quiet = !interactive()
Argument | Description |
g | An object of class graph as returned by graph or a graph_proxy as returned by a function of the same name. |
steps | Number of steps to run the layout algorithm. |
spring_length | Used to compute Hook's law, default of 30 is generally ideal. |
sping_coeff | Hook's law coefficient, where 1 is a solid spring. |
gravity | Coulomb's law coefficient. It's used to repel nodes thus should be negative if positive nodes attract each other. |
theta | Theta coefficient from Barnes Hut simulation, between 0 and 1 . The closer it's to 1 the more nodes the algorithm will have to go through. Setting it to one makes Barnes Hut simulation no different from brute-force forces calculation (each node is considered). |
drag_coeff | Drag force coefficient. Used to slow down system, thus should be less than 1 . The closer it is to 0 the less tight system will be. |
time_step | Default time step $dt$ for forces integration. |
is_3d | Whether to plot in 3 dimensions or 2 dimensions. |
verlet_integration | If you find that standard the default Euler integration produces too many errors and jitter, consider using verlet integration by settings this to TRUE . |
quiet | Set to FALSE to print helpful messages and progress bar to track computation steps, defaults to interactive . |
This method is not necessarily faster than rendering in the browser as the graph has to be serialised to JSON once more to be processed by the algorithm then reimported in grapher.
See Also
for other "offline" layout methods.
gdata <- make_data(500)
gdata %>%
graph() %>%
graph_layout_offline(steps = 100)