Graph Layout Live
Layout the graph live on the canvas using a physics simulator.
spring_length = 30L,
sping_coeff = 8e-04,
gravity = -1.2,
theta = 0.8,
drag_coeff = 0.02,
time_step = 20L,
is_3d = TRUE
spring_length = 30L,
sping_coeff = 8e-04,
gravity = -1.2,
theta = 0.8,
drag_coeff = 0.02,
time_step = 20L,
is_3d = TRUE
Argument | Description |
g | An object of class graph as returned by graph or a graph_proxy as returned by a function of the same name. |
spring_length | Used to compute Hook's law, default of 30 is generally ideal. |
sping_coeff | Hook's law coefficient, where 1 is a solid spring. |
gravity | Coulomb's law coefficient. It's used to repel nodes thus should be negative if positive nodes attract each other. |
theta | Theta coefficient from Barnes Hut simulation, between 0 and 1 . The closer it's to 1 the more nodes the algorithm will have to go through. Setting it to one makes Barnes Hut simulation no different from brute-force forces calculation (each node is considered). |
drag_coeff | Drag force coefficient. Used to slow down system, thus should be less than 1 . The closer it is to 0 the less tight system will be. |
time_step | Default time step $dt$ for forces integration. |
is_3d | Whether to plot in 3 dimensions or 2 dimensions. |
Calculates forces acting on each body and then deduces their position via Newton's law. There are three major forces in the system:
list("Spring force keeps connected nodes together via ", list(list("'s_law"), list("Hooke's law")), ".")
list("Each body repels each other via ", list(list("'s_law"), list("Coulomb's law")), ".")
list("To guarantee we get to "stable" state the system has a drag force which slows entire simulation down.")
Body forces are calculated in $n*lg(n)$ time with help of Barnes-Hut algorithm. Euler method is then used to solve ordinary differential equation of Newton's law and get position of bodies.
data <- make_data(20)
graph(data) %>%
graph_layout_live(time_step = 5L)